1. Doom 3 Performance & Quality Issues - VOGONS
Aug 9, 2022 · According to the wiki, the easiest way to elimate the stutter is to remove the FPS cap by using the command 'com_fixedTic 1'. This does appear ...
Posted on 2022-08-08, 23:17
2. Can't play Doom 3, FPS is SUPER slow - Doomworld
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Hi yall. I am trying to play Doom 3 off of Steam on my laptop. However, the framerate for some reason is SUPER slow. I am not talking about even the in-game framerate. Like the framerate in the menu and even the opening cinematic showing the id company logo is extremely slow. Is there some sort o...
3. Doom 3 and Micro-Lags - The Dark Mod Forums
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When playing TDM, even at constant 60 fps, the game always somehow didn't run smoothly for me. There were small Micro-Lags, that made it all look more like 20 fps instead of 60. Today I incidentally stumbled over a solution to the problem, that worked out so great, that I thought I'd share it wit...
4. why does doom3 not lagg as much with low fps? - Beyond3D Forum
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heya :D i noticed that d3 laggs a LOT less than other games at low fps! even at 20fps the game is well playable, while other games like ut2k4, far cry etc are almost impossible to play at only 20fps as they lagg a lot. how come? does it have to do with the internal 60hz lock?

5. Mouse Problems in Doom 3 - Ars Technica
Nov 8, 2010 · I've never had that problem, though I have seen bad input lag on ATi hardware with that game. Turn of vsync if you haven't already done so, and ...
I have noticed that mouse has trouble moving in Doom 3. Basically I almost have to yank it a bit to get the cursor or the targeting crosshair to move anywhere. The mouse smoothing setting has no effect, windowed vs. fullscreen has no effect, and finally there is no m_accel setting like in Quake...
6. What do I do if DOOM is having performance or framerate issues on ...
What do I do if DOOM is having performance or framerate issues on PC? · Update Your Graphics Card Drivers · Enable the Vulkan API · Set Your Primary GPU and Power ...
If you are experiencing performance or framerate issues when trying to play DOOM, you should first check to ensure that your machine meets the game’s minimum requirements here. If yo
7. Doom 3 on Steam Lags in FireFights :( | Hardware Canucks
Jan 6, 2013 · I bought doom 3 on steam for $3 not the bfg one the old 2005 one lol. The game doesn't lag when im walking down hall ways or in cut scenes ...
I bought doom 3 on steam for $3 not the bfg one the old 2005 one lol. The game doesn't lag when im walking down hall ways or in cut scenes but as soon as i get shot at or i fire my gun its lags like crazy. i know my current computer is good enought to run the game bc my friend can run it no...
8. https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/doom-3-increase-...
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I am sorry chaps.. you have seen this 'many a time' i bet.. but using this tweak i have seen a vast increase in performance i was running at...

9. Doom 3 performance - VOGONS
Jul 22, 2016 · My only solution for running the game at a smooth 60 FPS with AA is to use SweetFX 2.0 and use the SMAA option. It is not a perfect AA solution but it is ...
Posted on 2016-07-22, 13:15
10. Doom 3 Laggg - teamxlink.co.uk :: View topic
Dec 22, 2005 · The only problem was it repeatably kept lagging beyond belief. My connection isn't that bad (256/64), and ping was around 40ms. The doors wouldn ...
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